STUDENT GOVERNMENT LOGO CONTEST! The SGA would like to update our logo! Think of what the IASD SGA should look like to you. Original and authentic art must be in by February 4.
The IASD Student Government Representatives wish all of the students in IASD a happy and restful Christmas and Holiday vacation. Be safe, and do those things that make your parents, community and tribe proud. Be the best! <3
A beautiful view of the northern lights over the district office building.
A full-body Husky Mascot was purchased for Job Fairs!
Eva Welch of McGrath School and Lucas Hamilton of Innoko River School wrote an essay to the School Board and are getting to travel to Juneau this weekend for the Legislative F ly-In with School Board Members. While there they will attend the Youth Advocacy Institute, will be going to the Capitol to meet with Legislators, and meeting with Board Members around the State.