on deep blue background in white text: School Board; watermark of husky to the left, Iditarod Area School District on the lower right

IASD Board Philosophy

In accordance with state education policy, the purpose of education is to help ensure that all students will succeed in their education and work, shape worthwhile and satisfying lives for themselves, exemplify the best values of society, and be effective in improving the character and quality of the world about them.

The Iditarod Area School District exists to serve the educational needs of the children and students. The District, recognizing the distinctive nature of each child, will work toward providing individualized, comprehensive, sequential programs available to all children.

Alternative approaches and methods for teaching will be available in an organized, effective and efficient school program.

The District recognizes that certain educational opportunities may be impossible to provide in each District school due to budget constraints. When the District is unable to provide certain educational opportunities at a school, the District will provide similar opportunities through alternative approaches. The District will work toward improving the educational opportunities available to each child in each District school.

The District will also work toward serving the broader community with a staff that is responsive to parental desires and community educational needs. The District will work toward the development of a District Board approved curriculum that is adapted to each community’s needs. The District directs all professional employees to work toward increasing the degree of individualized instruction in the schools so that a more effective and efficient education may be provided to each student.

The District will encourage the development of an atmosphere in each school that reflects the best of the modern world while reflecting the cultural heritage of the community and region. (IASD Board Policy Manual, 2014)



Member - Alice Dale, Board Chair


Committees: Facilities/Maintenance; Negotiations/Policy

Member - Ann Short


Committees: Executive/Legislative; Indian Education

Kim Wortman


Committees: Executive/Legislative; Technology

Member - Rudolph Hamilton, Vice Chair


Committees: Finance; Curriculum; Facilities/Maintenance; Indian Education

Robert Walker


Committees: Finance; Curriculum; Facilities/Maintenance; Negotiations/Policy

Member - Kathy Chase, Treasurer


Committees: Curriculum; Indian Education; Technology

Doug Heath


Committees: Finance; Executive/Legislative; Negotiations/Policy; Technology